Transforming Wastewater Treatment in Calvert City: A CBX ProOxidizer Success Story
The challenges of wastewater treatment are numerous, from high costs to environmental concerns. However, innovative solutions are emerging that are addressing these challenges head-on. One such innovation is CBX ProOxidizer, a unique biochemical product that has demonstrated impressive results in a wastewater treatment case study in Calvert City, Kentucky. In this article, we delve into the details of this remarkable case study, highlighting the challenges faced and the solutions offered by CBX ProOxidizer1.
Calvert City, like many municipalities, was wrestling with a considerable sludge problem in its wastewater treatment plant. Over 16 months, CBX ProOxidizer was applied to the treatment plant, resulting in the removal of an astounding 2 million gallons of sludge. This represented a cost saving of over $140,000 for Calvert City, all while ensuring the lagoons remained operational23.
The process began with a third-party verification study conducted by Water Resources Management Inc. and Calvert City Personnel. They profiled Cells 1 and 2 of the Calvert City wastewater treatment plant to determine the amount of sludge blanket removed by using CBX ProOxidizer4. The results were dramatic. Sampling of Cell #1 revealed a 29.8% sludge reduction over the 16-month period, while the secondary treatment cell, Cell #2, experienced a 50% overall sludge blanket volume reduction, equivalent to 667,723 gallons of sludge56.
So how does CBX ProOxidizer achieve these results? The product is a unique biochemical that affects cell wall permeability and cellular metabolism, leading to faster rates of biooxidation and endogenous respiration. This accelerated respiration results in sludge mass and volume reduction of about two inches per month in most lagoon systems. For example, with an average sludge blanket thickness of 5.289 feet, biologically removing 75% of the sludge would take about 2 years7.
One of the standout benefits of CBX ProOxidizer is cost-efficiency. Sludge removal using CBX is about 1/10th of the cost of mechanically removing the sludge, and lagoons can remain online during the process. With CBX ProOxidizer, there are no disposal costs, no odors, no permits, no land application, land filling, and no trucking offsite. Sludge is oxidized on-site while the lagoon remains online. This means that a $1,296,000 lagoon sludge removal project cost can be reduced by 90%, offering significant savings for municipalities8.
The Calvert City case study is a prime example of how innovation in wastewater treatment can overcome challenges and provide tangible benefits. With solutions like CBX ProOxidizer, the future of wastewater treatment looks promising.